Composting At Home

Composting At Home

homeandgardenalive.com 1 month ago

On this page: What is Composting? Composting is a controlled, aerobic (oxygen-required) process that converts organic materials into a nutrient-rich, biologically-stable soil amendment or mulch through natural decomposition. The end product is compost. Microorganisms feed on the materials added to the compost pile during the composting process. They use carbon and nitrogen to grow and…

Organic Gardening 101 For Beginners: How To Start an Organic

Organic Gardening 101 For Beginners: How To Start an Organic

homeandgardenalive.com 1 month ago

Tiptoeing out to my organic garden on a cool summer evening, I cut an emerald zucchini from the squash patch, pull handfuls of crisp sugar snap peas from their vines, snip some rosemary and thyme from the herb gardens, and pull some kale for a delicious homegrown Italian meal.  In a world of uncertainty, climate…

How to compost—and why it’s good for the environment

How to compost—and why it’s good for the environment

homeandgardenalive.com 1 month ago

What do you do with biodegradable or compostable food packaging?Products labeled “compostable” or “biodegradable,” such as packaging material or utensils, are becoming more popular, but are meant to be processed at an industrial composting facility. Ian Jacobson, the president of Eco-Products, a compostable product maker, says his company sold 200 products in 2010, but now offers…

Starting an Organic Garden: 10 Keys for Beginners

Starting an Organic Garden: 10 Keys for Beginners

homeandgardenalive.com 1 month ago

Photo by: ifiStudio / Shutterstock. As gardeners become more aware of the harmful effects of synthetic fertilizers and pest controls, more are turning to natural organic gardening methods. Organic gardening is easier on the environment and results in healthier plants. What is organic gardening and how can you employ these techniques in your own yard?…


Organic Gardening 101: How to Start Gardening Organically

homeandgardenalive.com 1 month ago

Organic gardening is more than simply growing food without synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. It is a comprehensive, holistic approach to gardening in a way that maintains and supports a healthy, balanced ecosystem and biodiversity—in your own yard and beyond.  Whether you are a first-time gardener who is intent on growing everything organically from the get-go,…


Crop Rotation: Enhancing Soil Health Management in Agricultural Research for

homeandgardenalive.com 1 month ago

Crop Rotation: Enhancing Soil Health Management in Agricultural Research for Development – ERA ARD Source