The concept and future prospects of soil health

The concept and future prospects of soil health

homeandgardenalive.com 7 months ago

Ladyman, J., Lambert, J. & Wiesner, K. What is a complex system? Eur. J. Philos. Sci. 3, 33–67 (2013). Google Scholar  Brevik, E. C. et al. The interdisciplinary nature of SOIL. Soil 1, 117–129 (2015). Google Scholar  Blum, W. E. Functions of soil for society and the environment. Rev. Environ. Sci. Biotechnol. 4, 75–79 (2005).…

Soil Quality: Concepts, Importance, Indicators, and Measurement

Soil Quality: Concepts, Importance, Indicators, and Measurement

homeandgardenalive.com 7 months ago

Abawi GS, Widmer TL (2000) Impact of soil health management practices on soilborne pathogens, nematodes and root diseases of vegetable crops. Appl Soil Ecol 15(1):37–47Article  Google Scholar  Acton DF, Gregorich LJ (1995) The health of our soils: toward sustainable agriculture in Canada. Centre for Land and Biological Resources Research, Research Branch, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada,…

Crop Rotation: Principles and Practices

Crop Rotation: Principles and Practices

homeandgardenalive.com 7 months ago

Crop rotation has been practiced from the time immemorial, and every farmer is quite familiar with it. If only one crop is sown in a particular field year after year, the roots of the crop extract nutrients from the same depth of soil every year, exhausting the rhizosphere and thus causing reduction in the crop…

Crop rotation

Crop rotation

homeandgardenalive.com 7 months ago

crop rotation, the successive cultivation of different crops in a specified order on the same fields, in contrast to a one-crop system or to haphazard crop successions.Throughout human history, wherever food crops have been produced, some kind of rotation cropping appears to have been practiced. One system in central Africa employs a 36-year rotation; a…

Crop Rotations

Crop Rotations

homeandgardenalive.com 7 months ago

Why does it matter? Different plants have different nutritional needs and are susceptible to different pathogens and pests. If a farmer plants the exact same crop in the same place every year, as is common in conventional farming, she continually draws the same nutrients out of the soil. Pests and diseases happily make themselves a…

Crop rotation

Crop rotation

homeandgardenalive.com 7 months ago

crop rotation, the successive cultivation of different crops in a specified order on the same fields, in contrast to a one-crop system or to haphazard crop successions.Throughout human history, wherever food crops have been produced, some kind of rotation cropping appears to have been practiced. One system in central Africa employs a 36-year rotation; a…